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OTP Bank Nyrt.
OTP Bank Plc.
OTP_DK_HUF_2027/III discount bond

OTP Bank Plc.

  • Introduction
  • Trading data
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Full Name OTP Bank Plc.
Short name OTP Bank Plc.
Sector Banking
HU-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 16.
Phone: +36-1-473-5400
Fax: +36-1-473-5955
Investor Relations
Sándor Pataki
Phone: +36-1-473-5000
Fax: +36-1-473-5951
Auditor Ernst & Young
Business activity Established in 1949, it was the only retail bank until 1987. The largest universal bank of Hungary, a major financial service provider in Central and Eastern Europe. OTP Group gained foothold in 11 countries in the CEE/CIS region. Strategically important domestic subsidiaries of the bank are: OTP Mortgage Bank, Merkantil Group, OTP Real Estate Ltd., OTP Lakástakarék, OTP Factoring Ltd. and OTP Fund Management Ltd. The main ownership interests in the region are held in OTP banka d.d. (Croatia), OTP Bank România S.A. (Romania), DSK Bank EAD (Bulgaria), Vojvodanska banka a.d. (Serbia), Banka OTP Albania SHA (Albania), JSC OTP Bank (Ukraine), JSC OTP Bank (Russia), Crnogorska komercijalna banka AD (Montenegro), Mobiasbanca - OTP Group S.A.(Moldova), OTP banka Srbija AD Beograd (Serbia), SKB banka d.d. Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Listed securities of the issuer
Name Ticker ISIN
OTP Bank share OTP HU0000061726
OTP_DK_HUF_2025/I discount bond OTPDKHUF25I HU0000358932
OTP_DK_HUF_2025/II discount bond OTPDKHUF25II HU0000359732
OTP_DK_HUF_2025/III discount bond OTPDK25III HU0000360516
OTP_DK_HUF_2026/I discount bond OTPDKHUF26I HU0000359740
OTP_DK_HUF_2026/II discount bond OTPDK26II HU0000360524
OTP_DK_HUF_2026/III discount bond OTPDK26III HU0000361597
OTP_DK_HUF_2027/I discount bond OTPDKHUF27I HU0000359757
OTP_DK_HUF_2027/II discount bond OTPDK27II HU0000360532
OTP_DK_HUF_2027/III discount bond OTPDK27III HU0000361605
OTP_DK_HUF_2028/I discount bond OTPDK28I HU0000360540
OTP_DK_HUF_2028/II discount bond OTPDK28II HU0000361613
OTP_DK_HUF_2028/III discount bond OTPDK28III HU0000362553
OTP_DK_HUF_2029/I discount bond OTPDK29I HU0000360557
OTP_DK_HUF_2029/II discount bond OTPDK29II HU0000361621
OTP_DK_HUF_2029/III discount bond OTPDK29III HU0000362561
OTP_DK_HUF_2029/IV Bond OTPDK29IV HU0000363908
OTP_DK_HUF_2030/I discount bond OTPDK30I HU0000360565
OTP_DK_HUF_2030/II discount bond OTPDK30II HU0000361639
OTP_DK_HUF_2030/III discount bond OTPDK30III HU0000362579
OTP_DK_HUF_2030/IV Bond OTPDK30IV HU0000363916
OTP_DK_HUF_2031/I discount bond OTPDK31I HU0000361647
OTP_DK_HUF_2031/II discount bond OTPDK31II HU0000362587
OTP_DK_HUF_2031/III Bond OTPDK31III HU0000363924
OTP_DK_HUF_2032/I discount bond OTPDK32I HU0000361654
OTP_DK_HUF_2032/II discount bond OTPDK32II HU0000362595
OTP_DK_HUF_2032/III Bond OTPDK32III HU0000363932
OTP_DK_HUF_2033/I discount bond OTPDK33I HU0000362603
OTP_DK_HUF_2033/II Bond OTPDK33II HU0000363957
OTP_DK_HUF_2034/I Bond OTPDK34I HU0000363940
OTP_HUF_2025/10 Bond OTPHUF2510 HU0000363999
OTP_HUF_2025/11 Bond OTPHUF2511 HU0000364104
OTP_HUF_2025/12 Bond OTPHUF2512 HU0000364153
OTP_HUF_2025/13 Bond OTPHUF2513 HU0000364237
OTP_HUF_2025/14 Bond OTPHUF2514 HU0000364328
OTP_HUF_2025/15 Bond OTPHUF2515 HU0000364419
OTP_HUF_2025/16 Bond OTPHUF2516 HU0000364484
OTP_HUF_2025/6 Bond OTPHUF256 HU0000363577
OTP_HUF_2025/7 Bond OTPHUF257 HU0000363742
OTP_HUF_2025/8 Bond OTPHUF258 HU0000363809
OTP_HUF_2025/9 Bond OTPHUF259 HU0000363965
OTP_HUF_2026/2 Bond OTPHUF262 HU0000363163
OTP_HUF_2026/3 Bond OTPHUF263 HU0000364872
OTP_HUF_2026/4 Bond OTPHUF264 HU0000364906
OTP_HUF_2026/5 Bond OTPHUF265 HU0000364963
OTP_TBSZ_HUF_2028/1 Bond OTPTBSZ281 HU0000362991
Basic Information
Date of listing07 Apr 2022
Currency of tradingHUF
Face Value1,000 HUF
Number of securities listed1,091,500
P/BV* 0.0002
* Calculating based on the capitalisation of the actual series only
* annualized yield
Name of securityOTP_DK_HUF_2027/III discount bond
IssuerOTP Bank Plc.
Type of securityRegistered
Form of securityDematerialised
Code of security (ISIN)HU0000361605
Ticker symbolOTPDK27III
Face value1,000 HUF
Number of securities listed1,091,500
Listing date07 Apr 2022
First Trading Day07 Apr 2022
Trading Unit1
Currency of trading%
Trading timeAs specified in Part II, Chapter 5.
Listing price72.1303
Maturity5 years, 2 months
Date of Issue31 Mar 2022
Maturity Date31 May 2027
Capital repaymentIn a lump sum at expiry
Green productNo