Reinvigorated after the crisis - Dr Mihály Patai and Richárd Végh
Richárd Végh, Chief Executive Officer, dr. Mihály Patai, Chairman
Undoubtedly, last year radically changed our lives. But the worst of the crisis is behind us, and the world is showing signs of recovery—just as we at the Budapest Stock Exchange have been able to breathe a sigh of relief in this year’s BSE50. The personal interviews, which are always a special professional experience, are back, and we once again had the opportunity to associate faces and human stories with companies and their business indicators. As a result, we are pleased to announce the addition of another 50 inspiring success stories to the BSE50 portfolio; 50 well- capitalised Hungarian companies with the potential to become market leaders in their field, even internationally.
The sky is the limit - dr. Péter Vaszari
dr. Péter Vaszari, EY, Strategy and Transactions Consultancy, Division Head
For us, supporting Hungarian companies is a strategic priority. It was not a question that we would once again take on the task of visiting and showcasing the 50 companies that have already established their long-term success and inspire others, including me.
A hot capital market - Dénes Jobbágy
Dénes Jobbágy, President and CEO
44 °C in the shade. That was the reading on the thermometer this summer, after a sweaty “investment marathon” on how we can help the Hungarian economy reboot after the pandemic with as much funding as possible.